Pro-Life Wisconsin Testifies Before Senate Health Committee Against Bill Permitting Pharmacists to Prescribe Contraceptives


On Tuesday, February 9, Pro-Life Wisconsin Legislative Director Matt Sande testified before the Senate Committee on Health in opposition to Senate Bill (SB) 30, legislation authored by Senator Mary Felzkowski (R-Irma) permitting pharmacists to prescribe and dispense hormonal contraceptive patches (the Patch) and self-administered oral hormonal contraceptives (the Pill) to persons 18 years of age and older.

Pro-Life Wisconsin OPPOSES any legislation that makes hormonal contraceptives more easily accessible or widely available. Please watch Matt Sande’s public testimony on SB 30 on WisconsinEye HERE starting at 2 hours 57 minutes and 45 seconds (2:57:45). Julaine Appling of Wisconsin Family Action and Kim Vercauteren of the Wisconsin Catholic Conference also testified against SB 30.

In a misguided attempt to reduce unplanned pregnancies, the Senate Health Committee recommended the bill for passage on a 4-1 vote on February 11. Senator Julian Bradley (R-Franklin) provided the lone NO vote. We thank Senator Bradley for his opposition to this dangerous and unworkable legislation.

SB 30 is bad legislation for several reasons:

  • Attempting to lower unplanned pregnancies by making contraceptives more easily accessible simply does not work. A significant percentage of unintended pregnancies are in women using contraceptives, generally over 40% and in some studies up to 68%.

  • Hormonal contraceptives can cause pre-implantation chemical abortions by altering the lining of the uterus (endometrium) so that a newly conceived child (human embryo) is unable to implant in the womb, thus starving and dying.

  • Hormonal contraceptives have been proven dangerous to women’s health. The Pill is a known Group 1 carcinogen for breast, cervical and liver cancers according to the UN’s International Agency on Research of Cancer. It is not the proper role of pharmacists to diagnose health conditions and prescribe powerful medications with clear health risks.


With your help, Pro-Life Wisconsin will continue to lead the fight against SB 30 in the Wisconsin Senate. We MUST stop this legislation in the Senate!

Please CALL or EMAIL your state senator TODAY and urge him/her to "Oppose SB 30" Tell him/her, "Hormonal contraceptives can kill embryonic children, are dangerous to women’s health, and do not reduce unplanned pregnancies!"

Don’t know your state senator? Go to and type in your home address under "Who Are My Legislators" or call the Legislative Hotline: 1-800-362-9472.

Thank you for making your pro-life voices heard in the Wisconsin Senate!